
Resources Index

Journalism Accelerator Featured Links: June 20 – July 7, 2011

Which #journalism hashtags on Twitter do you find most useful?
We’re tracking and collecting journalism hashtags. Many offer loads of ideas, smart thinkers and new resources. Does your community have a hashtag others should know about?

Hacks for Hacks: Carnival of Journalism Best Ever of New Tricks
A round up of “best life, workflow, info, journalism hacks” “work tips” on how to work smart!

FCC Report on Media Offers Strong Diagnosis, Weak Prescriptions
465 pages, 600+ interviews over 18 months “diagnosis is sound, but the remedies are lacking”

Partners of Necessity: a Case for Collaboration in Local Investigative Reporting
Sandy Rowe’s take on emerging possibilities and potential models for the future

New Business Models for News
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism offers a fantastic smorgasbord of substance

The Brain Holds Clues for Journalism
In a radically and rapidly evolving environment, can “feeling the heat” advance the social mission of journalism?

Citizens, Journalists and Institutions: A Power Shift in Civic Information and News
Citizen engagement through creation of news is great, but do corporations set the agenda?

Committee of Concerned Journalists
Discussion, tools, articles, workshops and forums by a number of leading thinkers in publishing, news reporting and the academy

Analysis Exchange
What’s not to love? Web analytics strategy and site metrics assessment for the public good!

Print Journalism + Digital News in 2011
The Story So Far. Columbia Journalism Review offers a useful assessment on “what we know [so far] about the business of digital journalism”

The State of the News Media 2011
Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism

The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.