Suggest a Resource

What happens when you suggest a resource?

The Journalism Accelerator community gains incredible value through your suggestions, based on the experience you have had with a resource or tool.  When you submit a resource, let us know why you think it’s important and how it’s been of value to your work. We welcome you to suggest resources that are relevant to the community or to a specific question. The more information you can include about the resource, the better! Once you submit a resource:

  • The Journalism Accelerator team will do some additional research to learn more about your suggested resource.
  • Resources are vetted and assessed based on the value and usefulness to the JA community; we work directly with you at the email address you provide.
  • We will work with you to make sure the resource submitted is presented accurately and includes key data points you feel are most important to highlight.
  • As the resource contributor, other community members can then link back to your JA profile and see other conversations you have participated in, or resources you’ve suggested.
  • When another JA community member comments on your resource, you will be notified with an email, which will include links back to the post where you can continue the discussion or view other JA community profiles.

How do we select resources to publish?

We appreciate every submission! Our goal is to highlight resources that accelerate the community’s ability to access useful tools and learn how others are using them. Resources often spark great conversations within the JA community. Our role is to surface tools, content or new resources to help others work more efficiently or smarter. It is not our role to endorse products, but to highlight what’s working for others. Resources that are most useful tend to be:

  • Timely
  • Valuable
  • Useable
  • Replicable
  • Applicable
  • Proven

To suggest your resource, please click “Suggest a Resource” in the sidebar and fill out the form. A member of the JA team will be in touch with you soon.